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2013年7月1日 星期一

[全新] Active Korean 第 1 2 3 4 冊(連CD) - HKU SPACE 及 BUHK SEC 韓文課程指定教材

[全新] Active Korean 第 1 2 3 4 冊(連CD) - HKU SPACE 及 BUHK SEC 韓文課程指定教材

Active Korean 第 1 2 3 4 冊; 韓文書

由首爾大學語言教育院編 並 附上CD
published by Language Education Institute of Seoul National University

Active Korean 1

Active Korean 1 目錄
UNIT 1 Hangul (Korean Alphabet)
UNIT 2 Greeting and Introduction
UNIT 3 Restaurant
UNIT 4 Shopping
UNIT 5 Daily Activities
UNIT 6 Time
UNIT 7 Appointment
UNIT 8 Location and Direction
UNIT 9 Telephone

Active Korean 2

Active Korean 2 目錄
UNIT 1 Family
UNIT 2 Transportation
UNIT 3 Reason
UNIT 4 Post Office
UNIT 5 Reservations
UNIT 6 Etiquette
UNIT 7 Hospital
UNIT 8 Advice & Suggestions
UNIT 9 Shopping

Active Korean 3

Active Korean 3 目錄

UNIT1 Experience
UNIT2 Hobbies
UNIT3 Employment
UNIT4 Fashion
UNIT5 Out of order
UNIT6 Change
UNIT7 Information
UNIT8 True and False
UNIT9 Conflict and Worry

Active Korean 4

Active Korean 4 目錄
Unit 1 Appearance and Personality
Unit 2 Convenient Life
Unit 3 Incidents and Accidents
Unit 4 Dream and Reality
Unit 5 Mistakes and Regrets
Unit 6 Company
Unit 7 Consuming and Saving
Unit 8 Korea
Unit 9 Travel

Active Korean 為香港浸會大學持續教育學院 (HKBU-SCE) 及 香港大學專業進修學院 (HKU SPACE) 韓語課程的指定教材
HKBU-SCE   : 按此


每冊售價為  $135

另放 Active Korean Workbook 第一,二冊: 按此

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[全新] Easy Korean 1: for foreigners (쉬워요 한국어) - 附CD 韓文教科書 韓語 自學

Easy Korean 1: for foreigners (쉬워요 한국어) (連CD)

Author: Easy Korean Academy
Publisher: Language Plus

Easy Korean 1: for foreigners


Easy Korean 1: for foreigners 目錄
1 안녕하십니까? 처음 뵙겠습니다. (How are you? How do you do?)
2 이것은 무엇입니까? (What is this?)
3 분은 누구입니까? (Who is he?)
4 매점은 어디에 있습니까? (Where is the durg store?)
5 일주일 계획표입니다. (The schedule of this week)
6 이번 주말에 어디에 갑니까? (Where are you going during this weekend?)
7 주말에 했습니까? (What did you do during the weekend?)
8 지금 시입니까? (What time is it?)
9 어머니 생신 선물은 사셨습니까? (Did you buy your mother's birthday present?)
10 취미가 뭐예요? (What is your hobby?)
11 개하고, 우유 주세요. (Two lumps of breads, and milk please.)
12 그럼, 같이 갑시다. (Then, let's go together.)
13 교대 역에 내려서 3호선으로 갈아타세요. (Get off at the Educational college station and transfer to the Line no. 3.)
14 제가 거예요. (Let me do that.)
15 퇴근 후에 회사 앞에서 만날까요? (Meet me at the front door of the company building.)


每冊售價為  $150

交收方法/ 交易說明: >>按此<<


[全新] Active Korean Workbook 1, 2 (連CD)

放 全新 Active Korean WorkBook 第 1 2 冊 (連CD)
Writer : Language Education Institute Seoul National University
Publisher : Moonjin Media

Active Korean 1 WorkBook

Active Korean 1 Workbook 目錄
UNIT 1 Hangul (Korean Alphabet)
UNIT 2 Greeting and Introduction
UNIT 3 Restaurant
UNIT 4 Shopping
UNIT 5 Daily Activities
UNIT 6 Time
UNIT 7 Appointment
UNIT 8 Location and Direction
UNIT 9 Telephone

Active Korean 2 Workbook

Active Korean 2 Workbook 目錄
UNIT 1 Family
UNIT 2 Transportation
UNIT 3 Reason
UNIT 4 Post Office
UNIT 5 Reservations
UNIT 6 Etiquette
UNIT 7 Hospital
UNIT 8 Advice & Suggestions
UNIT 9 Shopping

每冊售價為  $ 80

另放 Active Korean 第一至四冊: 按此

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